Posting a reply

To reply, you must first sign in and open a topic that you want to reply to.

Desktop Site

  1. To post a basic reply, click "Post Reply" at the top left or bottom of the page
  2. To reply to another user, cick the gray arrow icon at the bottom of a user's post
  3. To quote a user's post, click the gray quote icon at the bottom of a user's post
  4. Choose an emoticon for your post (the notepad is selected by default)
  5. Type your reply in the "Your Reply" field
  6. When finished, click "Post"

Mobile Site

  1. To post a basic reply, tap "Post Reply" at the bottom of the page
  2. To reply to another user, tap the gray strip that contains the username, then tap "reply"
  3. To quote a user's post, tap the gray strip that contains the username, then tap "quote"
  4. Choose an emoticon for your post (the phone icon is selected by default)
  5. Type your reply in the "Your Reply" field
  6. When finished, tap "Post"
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